Your Soul Midwife

Feel Like You're Missing Something in Life?

Chances Are,

it's you!

Intimate Arts

Because Healthy Sexuality Matters

And it’s not just the physiology.  

Most of us have been walking around with our creative forces in a state of shame, blame, and trauma that keeps us blocked from the juiciest parts of being alive. 

Xochitl creates custom experiences for people to understand, heal, and activate this energy in all areas of life.

Ready to enjoy more of your life?

Intimate Arts

Because Healthy Relationships Matter

More Healing

While there is a lot we can do on our own, we are designed to regulate and heal with other humans. Relationships are the place where we truly refine the concepts of self love, trust, and compassion.

More Connection

Whether it is a life partner, an intimate partner, friends or community, Xochitl teaches skills and principles that go a long way in learning to live authentically with other people.

More Love

How good can you stand it? Life is meant to be explored, experienced and enjoyed! Xochitl is passionate about helping others create room for more love, joy, and peace in their lives and relationships.

Humans are SOCIAL beings.

While we have to do our inner work ourselves,
we don't have to do it ALONE.


Private Support

Xochitl provides experiences for somatic release, education, relationship guidance, and self love.
An affordable attunement call will begin our co-creation.

Self Discovery

In Xochitl's courses, safety, connection, and authenticity are the values that create the perfect environment for delightful growth and integration.


Yes, there are people who want to see the REAL you! In-person relationship workshops and activities keep us connected and fill our journeys with inspiration.

Xochitl combines her wisdom as a mother of a large family, a community midwife, and a tantric practitioner to guide others to more easeful, authentic, joyful aliveness.

"I have been completely and utterly impressed while working with Xochitl. Her ability to sort through the noise and get to root causes is amazing, especially when it comes to relationships. She is so kind in her feedback but at the same time direct! She is one of the most conscious people I have worked with. Truly a clean and clear vessel for healing! You will feel her love for you right when you meet her! Great things truly do come in small packages!"
Shad Sorensen