Orgasmic Living

"There are only two ways to live. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein
It's All About Attention

Xochitl's 30 Days of Self Love
14 classes of fun ways to give yourself the attention you need and deserve

5 tips to power up your life with pleasure
You can start today! Enjoying each day is easier than it seems
When he said it, something huge inside me clicked. My insatiable quest for rest was finally over. Here was an answer within my power!
This is something I can choose into, even when I am choosing rest. From that moment on, I vowed to live more wholeheartedly, and that meant when I needed rest, I would do it with all my heart.
It changed everything.
"The antidote to overwhelm is not rest.
It is Wholeheartedness"
It is Wholeheartedness"
-from David Whyte